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Small tips about anti age nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, aesthetic treatments, fun and entertainment for Ladies and Gentlemen over 40 + Certified Holistic Nutritionist SMALL TIPS FOR GREAT RESULTS !

04/10/2018 From Overblog

Benefits of thermal bath

Benefits of thermal bath Голем љубител сум на термални бањи. Уживам посебно после спорт, тенис или скијање. За...

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04/08/2018 From Overblog

Happy Orthodox Easter !

Happy Orthodox Easter dear friends ! Cestit Veligden dragi prijateli, imajte prekrasen praznik.

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04/07/2018 From Overblog

Tip of the day

Tip of the day „ Што порано почнете да практикувате здрав и балансиран начин на исхрана, толку поздрава ќе биде...

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04/07/2018 From Overblog

Good morning, it is time for breakfast !

Dobro utro :-) Ova e mojot omilen dorucek , a koj posti dobro ke mu dojde . 1 banana 2 lazici zitrici 1 lazica...

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04/06/2018 From Overblog

Veligdenski jaica

Veligdenski jaica Domasni jaica spremni za Veligden , ne se golemi na oko no zatoa se vkusni :-) Denes e Veliki...

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04/06/2018 From Overblog

Benefits of body massage

Rainy day is perfect for body massage to relax , enjoy and forget about everything :-) Massage therapy is a treatment...

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04/05/2018 From Overblog

My first drink in the morning

The Lemon Ginger Hot Water morning drink is something that I’ve been making for long time and it's my morning ritual....

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04/05/2018 From Overblog

Quinoa salad

Quinoa Salad Оваа салата ми е помеѓу омилените , а посебно кога се брзам пред вежбање, да не јадам многу и да не...

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